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Defying the odds like G.I. Jane

Two years ago 25 year old Jens was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal carcinoma stage 4a. We met her when she had undergone the first cycle of chemotherapy and was waiting to start chemo-radiation. We supported her in navigating the system, finding a place for chemo-radiation, and carrying out all required pre- and post-radiation monitoring. Read her story in Jens' own words below.


I am Jens and this is my story of fighting cancer. It was not easy for me to battle cancer, there were many challenges before I was healed. It was very difficult because I had to fight to overcome it. It all started with nosebleeds during the peak of the pandemic. It was very tough because wherever I went to the hospital, I would be placed with COVID patients. I did not agree because I was a breastfeeding mom at that time, and when the nosebleeds did not stop, I went to a private health clinic. The bleeding stopped, but after a few months, I noticed that my hearing was getting weaker. I ignored it, along with a cold, until it almost blocked my nose. Then my grandmother passed away, and I felt like the heavens and earth had collapsed on me because I was enveloped in sadness from losing someone who truly loved me. Since I was young, I didn't realize that the cancer inside my nose was growing. One day, I noticed a lump in my nose, and that's when I took charge. I went to the hospital and endured long lines. I needed to line up early in the morning just to get a number. It wasn't just one biopsy, but two, because the first one wasn't conclusive. It was on the second one that the results showed nasopharyngeal carcinoma stage 4a, and I couldn't believe it. When the biopsy results came out, I felt like I lost hope because I didn't understand how it had come to that. I sought a second opinion at East Avenue Medical Hospital, even though it was far away, because I was alone and had to take care of my child. After waiting weeks for the results, it was still nasopharyngeal carcinoma. I prayed about how and where I would find the money for my treatment, but I never lost hope. Thankfully, there were people there to help me to address my illness. I was starting to bleed from my nose again, day and night, and it was terrifying. Almost running out of blood, I went to the hospital for chemotherapy, but my blood test showed dangerously low levels, so my doctor hesitated to proceed with chemo in fear that my body couldn't handle it. Instead, he decided to transfuse blood first to ensure my body could withstand the treatment. It took a while before I received the blood transfusion because I needed to wait to purchase the blood. It was no joke having three bags of blood transfused, and I was confined in the hospital for five days, which was difficult because no one could watch over me since my partner needed to take care of our child. Yes, I had a family, but there were many reasons why I didn't push for their presence. After five days, I was discharged from the hospital, but I didn't immediately undergo chemo because my body was still adjusting to the transfusion. Weeks later, I decided to return to the hospital for chemo. The first session took 8 hours, and I forced myself to eat even though I had no appetite. When I got home, I vomited everything I ate. For three days, I kept vomiting even though I didn't eat anything, just drinking water. I endured it, almost feeling weak because of the lack of food. After three days, I was okay and stopped vomiting. After finishing the 3rd cycle, radiation was necessary to dissolve the lump. Radiation was also a challenge because there were many steps to go through before I could undergo it. Luckily, I met Dr. Susanne Carai (Doc San), who patiently accompanied me to the hospital. I know she's very busy, but she still finds time for me, pestering the doctors to process the paperwork quickly to start the radiation. However, when I was about to undergo radiation, the side effects were mentioned, and I lost hope in myself again, questioning how far and how long I would fight this illness. I was enveloped in sadness once more, but that was the only way to completely eradicate the cancer, so I agreed. I prayed, it was very difficult to juggle chemotherapy and radiation because my body weakened, morning chemo and afternoon radiation, losing my sense of taste and smell, losing appetite, and feeling exhausted, it was very difficult. But I admired myself because I endured the treatment, being a mother, and a student. I didn't know how I managed to juggle it all. There were so many challenges before I could overcome this illness, but nothing is impossible when you fight and don't easily give up on the challenges that come your way. I see this as a huge debt of gratitude to the people who were there for me. Now, there is no end to my gratitude for your help, my grandma, my partner, my son, Ate Divine, Ate Melissa, the doctors at Jose Reyes Hospital, Doc San and Sir Philipp.


Latest update: Since Jens had written this text her lymph-nodes have increased in size again and she needed a PET to understand whether the cancer had returned. We all were very worried. In order to be able to pay for the exam we started a personal fund raising campaign for Jens! Luckily the PET brought very good news, and while close follow up is needed, we are very relieved for the moment... In case you would like to support Jens in her continued fight against cancer, you can do so at the below link:


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